Sunday, October 6, 2013



It's been a long year. We began the year producing our first short film, and end it wrapping up our second. The knowledge, skill, and eyes we've gained over the course of 2013 has been unbelievably successful. 

With that said, it's time to talk about THE Z LINE, our second biggest short film we've ever taken on. Back in July, we shot this monster, and now we have just finished up the edit. There has been some speculation and delays to when the film will be released, but now we know that it will be before the end of October. The only thing standing in our way, or the only wait is the score. When that baby is delivered, you guys will have something to gaze upon. 

The film will release on Vimeo, then YouTube. DVD's, posters, and shirts are also in hopes of being created to enhance the experience. We want to thank everyone who has helped, and everyone that's been patient with us. 

At the moment, we don't want to say too much. We are trying to stray away from announcing things before they are completely official. But for now, we can say that we are working on a documentary.

Photo by Courtney Morgan


Yes, we are filming a documentary. That is both something new and rather large for us. It will be for the largest, most horrifying haunted attraction in the state of South Carolina, MADWORLD. If you haven't heard about this place, you will soon. More about this will be coming.

Since we want to do this as a career, professionally, we're trying to step up our projects by actually having budgets. We want to be able to pay our cast and crew, and we're going to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Our next three short films, we want to have money to produce them. We are still working that out. If you know anyone who may want to invest in this kind of thing, we'll hit them with the scripts to see if they believe in us and trust that we will make them and others happy with an end product. 

If you've made it thus far, we can only be satisfied if we supply you with a teaser for one of our next three planned short films. 

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