WEBSERIES - Officer Hot Pants

Officer Hot Pants: Part 1 - Methmobile
Length: 2:11
Directed by: Silas Rowland
Starring: Chris Garris, Shannon Knight
Summary: Chris is pulled over by a cop who claims that his car is a meth lab which breaks out into a mental and vocal battle ultimately leading to the end of the world.. or the end of the video.

Officer Hot Pants: Part 2 - The Interrogation
Length: 3:55
Directed by: Silas Rowland
Starring: Chris Garris, Shannon Knight, Kenny Knight, Silas Rowland, Nathan Romano
Summary: Imagine waking up in a golden room full of Twinkies. Well, today isn't that day. Chris wakes to two shady cops who violently bargain with him for meth. They start to believe they are onto a bust.

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