Monday, April 29, 2013

Silas J. Rowland Directs his first film outside SilasRowlandTv Films!

Jade Castle Productions was given one simple or should I say impossible task. Write, Create, and Edit a film, as well as compose music, for a short film within 100 Hours. A friend of ours, Crystal Tyler, contacted the Upstate South Carolina Film Group recruiting a crew to help her on the this last minute journey. 

I am just surprised at how organized and well prepared Jade Castle Productions were in this effort to submit into the Short10Cinema Challenge. SilasRowlandTv looks forward to doing more projects with JCP!

We were given a genre (NOIR) and objects to show every 1/3 of the film. It was intense and fast paced, but all in all it was orderly and professional. Every shot was accounted for, and plotted out to run the story appropriately. 

In class, I wrote a screenplay for the challenge in two hours. On set, the script helped us flow, but we also improvised to better the story. 

I am glad to have Directed this film, and I couldn't have asked for better people to work with. Thanks Jade Castle Productions!

Premiere, and online reveal coming soon!

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